Unix/Linux/Mac Client Deploy Tool
Summary: The *NIX Client Deploy tool allows you to be able to deploy the BigFix Agent to supported Unix, Linux, or Mac devices using ssh/scp. In this latest revision there is now a GUI front end that walks you through the different options for deploying the BigFix Agent out to your clients. From the one tool you can push the agent out using ssh/scp to multiple systems on multiple platforms as long as they have the same username/password. If the username and password is not the same you will need to rerun the tool for each username/password combination.

How to use the tool
- Input your username and password. This must be a user with the ability to install packages and start the agent, the agent runs as root. You will also need to specify the location of the actionsite.afxm (or also called masthead.afxm). This can be found on the server.
To work properly, the credentials used must be root credentials. If you have the limitation of not being able to remote ssh using root credentials, make sure you enter credentials that have access to the machine and check the use su - command checkbox, along with the root password.

- Here you can select which version of the client to install. The tool automatically downloads a file called client_files.txt to fine the names of the latest versions of the agent installer. If you do not have internet access you will need to precache the file and agent binaries.
- Clientsettings.cfg or besrelay.cfg this file should be in the same format as the ones used for the Windows Client Installer (http://support.bigfix.com/cgi-bin/kbdirect.pl?id=454 and http://support.bigfix.com/cgi-bin/kbdirect.pl?id=244).
- Attempt to use sudo – If you are not using root to do the install process the echo PASSWORD | sudo -S for scripting using sudo must work. If this is not supported on the platform you are installing on then you will have to use the root account for installing. NOTE: IF YOU CHECKED THE USE su - COMMAND, THIS WILL BE IGNORED.
- The Reinstall options allows you to upgrade from a previous version if you did not want to use the Fixlet to upgrade for some reason.
- Use External Tools uses pscp and plink from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for the connections for ssh and scp instead of being handled within the code.

- The host list currently only supports one entry per line and does not currently support doing cidr or ranges.

- In the computer selection screen the Client Deploy Tool attempts to connect to the systems specified in the host entry screen. If it is able to connect using ssh and the credentials provided it will figure out what platform the IP (or hostname) is and whether or not the client is installed. Only the computers highlighted when you click next will show up on the Installation screen which is the next screen.

- The installation screen allows you to start the install process. If the BigFix agent package is not already downloaded the tool will automatically download the agent binaries from our website. If you do not have Internet access you will need to precache the files manually.

Air Gap Installation
The *NIX Client Deploy tool has the ability to work with air gap installations. The process involved is:
- Install the *NIX Client Deploy tool on a machine that has internet access.
- Run the *NIX Client Deploy tool and choose Options/AirGap Downloader...

- Select the version you would like, then check the operating systems that you anticipate installing. The needed package files will be downloaded into the current working directory.

- Once all packages have been downloaded, zip up the installation directory and copy to the machine that is in the air gap environment and run the executable. All files needed will be available with no need for internet access.
Note: Due to the air gap functionality, once a file has been downloaded and exists in the working directory, the file will not downloaded again. To ensure the latest files, choose Options/Remove Existing Downloads. This will allow the installer to download the latest files.
Proxy Users: The Unix/Linux/Mac Client Deploy Tool can utilize your proxy server. The proxy information must be entered into the BESNIXClientInstaller.exe.config file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="Install.Configuration" type="BESNIXClientInstaller.components.config.InstallerConfig, BESNIXClientInstaller" />
<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />
<appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender">
<file value="BESNIXClientInstaller.log" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<encoding value="utf-8" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %type %message%newline" />
<level value="ALL" />
<appender-ref ref="FileAppender" />
<add key="proxy" value=""/>
Unix/Linux/Mac Client Deploy Tool